Advent Devotional

Short liturgy + reflection/discussion questions on a psalm for each week of Advent and for Christmas Day
My church, Bethany Presbyterian in Seattle, asked me write reflection/discussion questions for a devotional. For each week of Advent and for Christmas Day, the devotional has a short liturgy that can be used alone or in groups. The liturgy includes reading the psalm assigned by the Revised Common Lectionary for each week of Advent. I tweaked the liturgies to fit with the psalm for the week, then I wrote reflection/discussion questions about the psalm for each week. You can download it as a pdf.
If you've never seen connections between the Psalms and the themes of Advent and Christmas, you'll enjoy these reflections.
Advent Week 1 - Psalm 90
Week 2 - Psalm 85
Week 3 - Psalm 126
Week 4 - Psalm 89
Christmas Day - Psalm 96